A debrief session o KOKUDOKEN was held on 18 June 2005 in Kyoto on the
topics of the 2004 Flood hazards in the reaches of
R. Asuwa, Fukui Prefecture and current problem of the countermeasure of
the landslide in the reservoir of the Otaki dam, Nara
Prefecture. The reporter was M. Sato, M. Nakagawa, J. Kainuma and T. Utami for the first topic, and K. Okunishi, T. Sato and S.
Shiotani for the second topic.
Excursion to River Hiji in Ehime Prefecture was held between 2nd and 4th
of September 2005 to explore the beautiful river
and discuss the flood control policy of the drainage basin, particularly
the protection of the city center of Ozu from inundation.
The research group of R. Hiji of KOKUDOKEN reported the intermediate-range result of the research on the natural and human
geography of the drainage basin, the problems of Kanogawa Dam in the headwaters
of R. Hiji, the flood control of R. Hiji, and the
public agreement for the improvement and management of rivers, for the
participants of the excursion and the local inhabitants.
A multi-disciplinary symposium on flood hazars was held on 17 December
2005 in Kyoto. The topics presented were:
Climatic changes and their relevance with meteorological hazards
by T. Terao,
Sociological examination of urban hazards in New Orleans induced
by the hurricane Katrina by T. Kawane,
Problems of R. Hiji, Ehime Prefecture which causes frequent
inundations by N. Okushima,
Influence of the forest conditions on flood runoff by M. Ueno,
Inspection of the administration of justice on the flood damage
in the R. Hiki, Wakayama Prefecture by T. Kojima.
A symposium on road construction plan and road network plan was held on
17 June 2006 in Kyoto. After the keynote lectures
by T. Nakamura and D. Karube, reports of the citizen's activity were presented
from different localities, and followed by free
discussion. A one-day tour was organized in the next day to explore the
construction sites of the turnpike road of Kyoto City.
A meeting to commemorate late Prof. H. Kimura was held on 9 December 2006
in Kyoto. Presentation was given by
M. Musashino, T. Utami, T. Shiki, A. Horii, M. Suda, F. Matsumura, K. Maekawa,
K. Nishida, K. Inaishi, I. Asano, and K. Okunishi.
A symposium on the inconsistency and difficulty in the water policy of
Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture was held on 16 June 2007
in Kyoto. Lectures were given by M. Nakagawa, H. Yabuta, and Y. Kontani
concerning the water-level control of Lake Biwa and
consequent influence on the flood risk of R. Uji comming from the lake.
Finally M. Yoshihara gave a comprehensive lecture on
the environmental implication of the water resources development carried
out by Japanese Government.
A symposium on the involvement of citizens in the public projects was held
on 15 December 2007 in Kyoto. The key-note
lecture was given by M. Nakajima entitled "Creating public sphere
in Japan", following which T. Nakamura, H. Yabuta, and
M. Miyasaka reported the current situation of the involvement of citizens
in road planning, flood-control project in R. Yodo, and
Dam problem in Nagano Prefecture, respectively. Designated discussion was
presented by K. Sato, T. Umehara, T. Kojima,
and M. Nakagawa as well as the opinions from the floor.
Journals published between 2005 and 2008 (all written in Japanese)
"KOKUDO-MONDAI" No. 66 publised in March 2005 carries a featured
article "Hazards induced by the organic slurry which occurs
in a reservoir in Wakayama Prefecture".
"KOKUDO-MONDAI" No. 67 published in December 2005 carries a featured
article "Report of the investigation on flood hazards in
R. Hiji in Ehime Prefecture and the flood control plan".
"KOKUDO-MONDAI" No. 68 published in April 2006 carries a featured article "Inspection of the landslide in the reservoir of the Otaki
dam in Wakayama Prefecture and the criticism of the countermeasure
undertaken by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism
"KOKUDO-MONDAI" No. 69 published in March 2008 carries featured
articles on the hazards due to uneven subsidence of residential
area caused by civil engineering works".
"KOKUDO-MONDAI, Now" No. 12 published in December 2007 carries
the featured articles that commemorate deceased Prof. Kimura".